Pedals for Sale

Complete, original pedals for sale by EffDub Audio. Designed and assembled in the US of A. Once upon a time, this was called “boutique”. Some of the circuits are original (as much as possible), while some are directly derived from legacy pedals. The latter will be noted in each pedal description so that you know exactly what you’re getting.


Effects ProjectsPedals for Sale

Basic Metal: A FET-tastic dirt circuit

After much tweaking and some setbacks, I’m pleased to announce that my take on the classic “hard-rock / vintage metal” sound is, at long last, ready for public consumption. This one is 100% “discrete” in the sense that there are no integrated circuit components (operation amplifiers or other ICs). It’s all field-effect transistors doing the amplifying and clipping…there aren’t even any clipping diodes in this circuit. There ARE diodes in the circuit, but they are for polarity and over-voltage protection (not in the audio path). Read More

Pedals for Sale

Actually, it’s a different tremolo coming first: CMOS Eisley

Just got these boards in today and have begun the first prototype build. It’s an optical tremolo with both the audio path and LFO made from a single CD4049 CMOS hex inverter. Despite having it all function in a single IC, there is no LFO ticking in the audio. Two of the inverters are the audio path (input and output amplifiers), and three more inverters are arranged as a low-frequency oscillator. And the last inverter is unused (I may do another iteration later that uses this last inverter to add a bit of grit/drive). Read More

Pedals for Sale

Coming Soon: Tap Temp Optical Tremolo

I’m pleased to announce the first of a few pedals that will be hand built by me in small batches and sold as cheaply as I can manage. There are cheap Chinese pedals galore these days, but I want to try and get as close to I can to slave-labor prices but made in the USA. Think of it as “shabby chic” or maybe “bespoke” rather than old-school “boutique.”

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